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25 Years of NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland

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Zum Anfang

"Follow the Markets"

NEUMAN & ESSER has been active worldwide since the middle of the 20th century through its former active Managing Partner Klaus Peters. According to the motto “follow the markets”, NEUMAN & ESSER has always been on the forefront of new trends and markets. After German reunification resulted in the expansion of the company to include the Wurzen site near Leipzig, the company was also expanded and decentralized beyond the national borders in the following years. In 1992, both NEUMAN & ESSER Italia S.r.l. in Milan and NEUMAN & ESSER USA, Inc. in Houston were established. These two locations became the basis for the foundation of
NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland.
Zum Anfang

Separation of Mechanical Engineering and Plant Engineering

To focus on core competencies for a stronger solution in the 1990s, the strategic decision to separate plant engineering and mechanical engineering was made - in contrast to competitors. The machine factory could now concentrate on the compressor and the plant engineering could be carried out close to the customers and at better conditions for them. This made it possible to realize large projects with the capacities of the machine factory as well as to expand as NEUMAN & ESSER and open new, sometimes exotic markets. Important experience with the “new” business model was gained at the sites in Italy and the USA, where Franz-Josef Ritzen was Managing Director.
Zum Anfang

Foundation of NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland (1999)

On January 1, 1999, NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland started operations. „The tasks of NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland were the offer preparation, sales, project planning and processing of compressor systems. The machine factory supplied the sales & application centers with the bare compressor at transfer prices,” Klaus Peters looks back. Moreover, the portfolio included service, spare parts as well as revamp and modernization of own and third-party machines.
Managing Director when the company was founded was Franz-Josef Ritzen, who held this position for 22 years. Since the beginning, the company is located at the Übach-Palenberg headquarters.

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Central Role at NEUMAN & ESSER (2000)

Since its foundation, NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland has played a special role among the independent sales and engineering companies worldwide. It fulfills tasks in two respects. Firstly, it coordinates acquisitions in the sales regions of Northern, Central and Eastern Europe, Africa and Australia, as well as those of the affiliated sales offices in England, China and India. Secondly, to promote the constant exchange of information between the international system engineering companies regarding project status and market developments. People from all over the NEUMAN & ESSER world visited Übach-Palenberg and Wurzen for intensive training, and the personnel of these locations visited the group’s locations worldwide for mentoring and close cooperation. .
Zum Anfang

First Major Projects (2000)

NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland sold numerous compressor systems in 2002. These included a new synthesis gas plant for a chemical site in Oberhausen, for which seven natural gas and hydrogen compressors with a pressure of up to 300 bar were required. At the same time, three existing NEUMAN & ESSER ethylene compressors were converted for a hydrogen process in Gelsenkirchen. In addition, a new size 190 compressor was manufactured in a multi-stage design. One highlight was an order from a German chemical company to expand its acetylene production. Together with the customer, NEUMAN & ESSER developed and produced the world's largest compressor system (3SZS 130) for acetylene with a volume of over 900 kg/h as a completely new development for this market. This marked a major step forward for NEUMAN & ESSER in the challenging acetylene applications.
Zum Anfang

First Compressor Day (2001)

One of the highlights of 2001 was the very first Compressor Day in August. Around 200 international guests experienced the first test run of NEUMAN & ESSER's new high-speed compressor szie 320hs. At the symposium, NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland was able to announce an order for three more high-speed compressors for natural gas storage in Huntorf. Following the successful test run of the 4,000 kW high-speed runner, NEUMAN & ESSER has meanwhile focused on the standardization of this product.
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Revamp & Modernization (2002)

Using the drawings and engineering data acquired with the buying of several compressor legacies two third-party systems were equipped with a new motor and a comprehensive control system. In their new life, these plants are used for the desulphurization of petrol and diesel fuels in Austria's largest refinery.
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World's Largest Compressor System for Acetylene (2002)

NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland sold numerous compressor systems in 2002. These included a new synthesis gas plant for a chemical site in Oberhausen, for which seven natural gas and hydrogen compressors with a pressure of up to 300 bar were required. At the same time, three existing NEUMAN & ESSER ethylene compressors were converted for a hydrogen process in Gelsenkirchen. In addition, a new size 190 compressor was manufactured in a multi-stage design. One highlight was an order from the a German chemical company to expand its acetylene production. Together with the customer, NEUMAN & ESSER developed and produced the world's largest compressor system (3SZS 130) for acetylene with a volume of over 900 kg/h as a completely new development for this market. This marked a major step forward for NEUMAN & ESSER in the challenging acetylene applications.
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First Steps in Africa (2006)

An order for several compressor systems to a refinery in Morocco enabled NEUMAN & ESSER to make the first steps into the African market. Beginning in 2022, NEUMAN & ESSER intensified its efforts in Africa with a dedicated sales director role filled by Dr. Jiri Rus. He is developing and pushing our business development and footprint for the primary as well as the aftermarket on the African continent.
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SAPS (2006)

Beginning in 2006, NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland provides a comprehensive assortment of high-pressure compressors as energy source for air gun systems in the seismic industry: from the first planning stage, construction and commissioning up to widespread service. The NEA Seismic Air Power System (NEA SAPS) consists of a screw compressor and a V-type, three-stage, two-cylinder reciprocating compressor. The screw compressor compresses the air from atmospheric pressure to approx. 15 bar g; the reciprocating compressor compresses the air to the desired discharge pressure - mostly well beyond 200 bar. As a result, a lot has changed in standardization and well over 60 machines have been delivered. In addition, an oil-free version was developed in the context of environmental protection
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Cavern Storage Compressor for Trianel (2007)

In April 2007, the first of three piston compressors for Salt Cavern Natural Gas Storage in Epe successfully completed the mechanical test run at NEUMAN & ESSER. These systems were ordered for one of the biggest naturals gas storages in Europa. A short time later, the compressor with the drive motor was brought to Epe through the roof of the hall. While the first compressor was being installed, the two other compressors completed their mechanical test run and were delivered to the construction site. On October 1, 2007, the compressor pressed gas into the cavern for the first time. From this point onwards, the cavern was gradually filled and the system was completed by the end of the year. These systems were among the first turnkey solutions from NEUMAN & ESSER and are part of our impressive gas cavern storage fleet.
Zum Anfang

Polysilicon (2008)

In the years 2006 to 2009, the boom in renewable energies in photovoltaics was an opportunity that NEUMAN & ESSER seized. In close cooperation between NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland and NEUMAN & ESSER Beijing, more than hundred compressor systems for polysilicon applications were supplied. The Peters family did make good use of these profitable orders by investing into NEUMAN & ESSER's growth in the future.
Zum Anfang

Biomethane as a "New" Application (2010)

NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland has been active in the biomethane market since the early 2010s. The biomethane, which is largely produced from organic waste, can be fed into the gas grid and is also used in industry and at natural gas filling stations. NEUMAN & ESSER offers a wide range of proven solutions for the gas grid feed area, which incorporates both stationary and mobile (compressors on trailers) variants. Normally, the feed pressures are approximately 25, 45 and 70 bar(g), dependent on the prevailing gas grid. The transport capabilities vary between 350 and 6,000 Nm3/h, therefore considerably higher than those for biogas applications for combined heat and power plants. Depending upon whether the piston compressor is directly integrated after gas treatment downstream of the fermenter or pre-compression takes place via an upstream screw compressor, suction pressure is 1.5 – 10 bar(a). Pressure-resistant and gastight crankcases ensure emission-free compression, thus contributing directly to climate protection. With the focus on de-fossilization of our economy since 2022 NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland has experienced a true renaissance of the biomethane business.
Zum Anfang

Another Major Refinery Order (2010)

In 2010, NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland took the systems of another major order for a refinery in middle east into operation. This comprised a total of 15 dry-running horizontal reciprocating compressors. Three of these were size 500 turbine-driven four-crank compressors. Moreover, six size 190, two size 63, two size 30 and two size 300 compressors were part of this order.
Zum Anfang

Compressor Day in the name of Planet Blue (2011)

The Compressor Day of 2011 was held under the leitmotif PLANET BLUE. NEUMAN & ESSER used this to highlight the global positioning of the company and the sustainable contribution of NEUMAN & ESSER compressors. With 360 guests from 30 nations, the event set a new visitor record. In technical presentations by NEUMAN & ESSER experts and external speakers, aspects such as the energy requirements of the coming decades or the energy transition were discussed more than 10 years ago.
Zum Anfang

Biggest Order in Company History so Far (2012)

In 2011, NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland won the biggest order in company history so far. For a refinery, a total of 33 compressor systems were delivered in three steps. The first delivery included a total of eleven horizontal dry-running piston compressors, including six of size 300 (1TZL 300), two of size 190 (1TZL 190) and three of size 500 (3TSL 500). The second package included 12 piston compressors. These were six times in sizes 300 (1TZL 300) and six times in size 190, four of them lubricated (1SZL 190) and two dry-running (1TZL 190). In the last part of the delivery, another six 1TZL 300, two lubricated and two dry-running compressors size 190 and three compressors type 3TSL 500 were delivered. 
Zum Anfang

Turbine Driven Compressors (2012)

For a customer from middle east, NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland took four compressors into operation in 2013. The dry-running, four-crank horizontal piston compressors size 320 (1+1 TVL 320) are used in a refinery. As a special feature, two of the compressor units were driven by an electric motor, while the other two were driven by a steam turbine.
Zum Anfang

TGE Vysotsk (2015)

In 2015, NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland was awarded for an LNG Boil-off gas management order. The customer ordered two systems with four-crank vertical piston compressors type 3TVS 300 for cryogenic applications. NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland showed its drive for innovation and energy efficiency by being the first OEM to employ stepless reverse flow capacity control for cryogenic applications.
Zum Anfang

“Seal Gas” compressor for the world's largest offshore factory (2014)

Since 2015, a so-called “Seal Gas” compressor from NEUMAN & ESSER is an essential safety system for the world's largest Floating Liquefied Natural Gas (FLNG) facility. This is designed to open formerly uneconomical gas reserves off northwest Australia. The dry-running piston compressor type TDS 30 compresses the gas from around 8 to 90 bar and produces a volume flow of 380 Nm³/h. A compressor installed on a floating facility must withstand wind gust speeds of up to 330 km/h and a maximum wave height of 27.5 meters. NEUMAN & ESSER therefore had to meet the requirements of marine class 1A from Lloyd's Register of Shipping for the first time with this project.
Zum Anfang

MoBIO 800 (2015)

For a Gas Grid Operator with a clear focus on green gases, a mobile biomethane compressor solution was implemented in 2015 to feed gas into the gas grid at an early stage, even before the stationary compressor system is put into operation. The MoBIO 800 was handed over to the customer ready for use within a year. The mobile system consists of two trailers so that it can be used for all applications within the gas network. The first trailer contains two dry-running, gas-tight piston compressors, which are driven by a 315 kW mid-engine. The second trailer houses the water cooling and container air conditioning, control, regulation and control air generation. The mobile compressor system achieves a gas flow rate of at least 800 Nm³/h at all different and specified pressure ratios. The suction pressures fluctuate between 1 and 10 bar(a) depending on the biogas production and treatment such as amine scrubbing or PSA. The discharge pressures range from 16 to 85 bar(a) - depending on the location and application as well as the adjacent gas network.
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LNG Project in Dubai with Two Different Compressor Technologies (2016)

In 2016, NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland realized a joint project with Atlas Copco Gas and Process for a Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU). The system for injecting of the gas into the local pipeline network consists of a combined centrifugal and piston compressor. The suction condition from the LNG tanks for the upstream turbo centrifugal compressor from Atlas Copco is approx. 1 bar(a) at -140°C. In the first two compressor stages, it permanently compresses 5,500 kg/h of gas to 6.5 bar. From there, around 1,000 kg/h are sent to the generators to produce electricity or to reliquefy the gas. In the next step, the two-stage NEA compressor compresses around 4,500 kg/h of the natural gas, which is now at 40°C, to 70 bar. The piston compressor switches on during energy demand peaks and loading processes as well as during the entire winter period. FSRUs are an important asset to ensure the secure supply of energy and consequently independence of nations.
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CO2 Compressor Units (2016)

In 2016, the decision was made to centralize the "CO2 standard business" at NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland and NEAC Compressor Service in Germany. Several thousand compressors have been delivered and in combination with NEAC aftermarket support are ensuring reliable CO2 compression in this important sector.
Zum Anfang

Utilization on the First FLNG Facility in Africa (2017)

In 2017, NEUMAN & ESSER received an order for the first new built floating facility for the production, liquefaction and storage of natural gas (FLNG) in Africa, named Coral Sul. NEUMAN & ESSER delivered a compressor system with two piston compressors. The residual gas developed during natural gas production is compressed on the FLNG platform, where it can be re-used as fuel gas for the gas turbine driven gensets, thus securing the electricity supply for the vessel. This project in Mozambique is a milestone in the LNG offshore area for NEUMAN & ESSER. For security against downtimes, a 100 percent configuration with a horizontal, dry-running piston compressor type 1+1 TZL 130 NEA has been used twice in the Coral Gas field since 2022. In 2023, a further order with identical systems was placed at NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland.
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Compressor System for Mobile High-Pressure Containers (2019)

A state-of-the-art compressor system from NEUMAN & ESSER was put into operation for a Dutch Gas company in 2019, filling mobile high-pressure containers, which feed natural gas into the customer networks in the Netherlands when required. This new high-performance system was designed for a discharge pressure of 275 bar. Apart from some of the earthworks and foundation work, NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland planned, procured, delivered, installed and commissioned all the system components. In addition to the two SZL63 piston compressor skids, the scope of delivery also included the pressure lines, the gas drying system and the soundproof building with technical ventilation, which is necessary for the safe handling of the explosive gas. Switch and control cabinets and frequency converters are located in the separate control room. A special feature of the filling station is the design for frequent load changes. In contrast to a continuous process, the system is depressurized from 250 bar back to the mains pressure of 32 to 42 bar after each container filling. NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland has designed the entire compressor system for 14,500 pressure and temperature load changes - i.e. including the containers, coolers and valves.
Zum Anfang

Order From TGE Gas Engineering (2021)

Another major order for three compressor systems of type 4TVS320 was placed at NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland in 2021. The four-crank, vertical piston compressors are used in an LNG terminal in Poland for boil off gas handling and directly injecting into the natural gas pipeline. The units, which also use the stepless reverse flow capacity control system, play an important role in the European energy security architecture. LNG is imported from all over the world, regasified and injected over these compressors into the European natural gas pipeline network.
Zum Anfang

Green Hydrogen for South Africa (2021)

An order for a Green Hydorgen Compressor was at NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland in 2021. The 5TSL300 piston compressor was delivered in December 2022 and commissioned in 2024 for the compression of green hydrogen in South Africa. It compresses around 6,500 Nm3/h of hydrogen from a very low pressure to a discharge pressure of more than 30 bar.

Zum Anfang

Two Orders From Air Liquid at the End of the Year (2021)

At the end of 2021, NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland once again won two important orders for a gases company. The larger compressor, a 3TDS130 NEUMAN & ESSER reciprocating compressor, was for compression of H2 downstream of a 30 MW electrolyzer in 2023. With 30 megawatts, the project was the largest PEM electrolyzer in Germany at that time. It is connected to an existing hydrogen infrastructure and is located near a steel mill in Oberhausen. It was part of the first project to receive funding from the economic stimulus package as part of the National Hydrogen Strategy for Green Steel (steel with a reduced carbon footprint).
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Jens Wulff Appointed New Managing Director (2022)

On January 1, 2022, Jens Wulff took over the management of NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland. He succeeded Franz-Josef Ritzen, who had managed the company since its foundation. Jens Wulff started his NEUMAN & ESSER career back in 2012 as Project Manager at NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland. From 2014 to 2016, his career initially took him into sales, where he was Area Sales Manager responsible for Germany, Sub-Saharan Africa and other regions. He then moved into production. First as Head and later as Managing Director of Operations, he introduced numerous innovative processes in the machine factories in Übach-Palenberg and Wurzen. The focus with NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland lies on sales and project management excellence programs, which consist of the training of personnel, end-to-end process landscape review, knowledge management and software-and systems integration. The goal is to build a robust organization capable of far more than 100 million euros of annual turnover in the product mix.  
Zum Anfang

MoBiDic (2022)

Based on the experience with the MoBIO 800, NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland was awarded for their “MoBiDic” project as well. The solution from NEUMAN & ESSER is mounted on only one trailer and driven by a gas engine of 770 kW. All system components, such as the water cooling, air conditioning, control, regulation and the accessories for the superstructure are installed on the trailer. An innovative design for maximum delivery volume in minimum space with adequate maintenance friendliness. To keep the operators’s time expenditures, downtime costs and emissions as low as possible, a particularly high pumping capacity is indispensable. Due to the special compressor design, geared to the maximum delivery volume, a gas-tight compressor type 2TVL63 GTC (2-stage, dry-running, 4-crank, horizontal) compresses up to 68,000 Nm³/h of natural gas up to 45 bar(g) discharge pressure into another gas pipeline. The 2TVL63 GTC was designed with a particularly short engine and a special cylinder construction rotated by 45° to make maximum use of the given space of the trailer. The gas-tight design of the crankcase prevents gas emissions even during the evacuation process. In 2022, the system was delivered and has already fulfilled numerous gas evacuation missions for the customer.
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Acquisition of Heinsch Metall- und Anlagenbau (2023)

Heinsch Metall – und Anlagenbau, a family owned company based in Wurzen since 1892, has been integrated into
NEUMAN & ESSER since January 1, 2023. After NEUMAN & ESSER discontinued plant construction in Germany in 2005, the experience with its own packaging at the locations in Brazil, Thailand and India as well as with HOFER in Mülheim was positive. With Heinsch, 21 new employees joined NEUMAN & ESSER in 2023. Since then, Martin Predöhl and Jens Wulff have been Managing Directors. The previous owner Christoph Seidel continues to manage Heinsch's operational business as an authorized signatory. With the reinclusion of packaging also NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland is profiting a lot from first hand product improvement insights. Also the quality of documentation and the planning of material flows has been improved and will improve further. 
Zum Anfang

Green Hydrogen for Industrial Park (2023)

In 2023, NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland received an order for a set of compressor packages, for a green hydrogen filling and usage in an industrial park, whereby the electrical energy required for electrolysis is generated exclusively from renewable sources. Moreover, hydrogen will be fed into a 100% hydrogen pipeline grid in the medium term. For the compression, storage and filling necessary for further utilization of the hydrogen, ENRTRAG SE has concluded a contract with the companies STREICHER Anlagenbau and NEUMAN & ESSER. In addition to direct use of the hydrogen produced in the electrolysis process by local consumers, the gas will be further compressed for transport and storage.
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Integrated Solution for Green Hydrogen in Jülich (2023)

NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland was awarded to be general contractor for an electrolysis plant with hydrogen filling in the industrial estate "Brainergy Park" in Jülich in summer 2023. The service scope includes the integrated solution from hydrogen production and compression to the filling of "green hydrogen". NEUMAN & ESSER is supplying two 5MW PEM electrolyzers, each divided into two containers, to produce 2,000 Nm3 of hydrogen per hour. The renewable electricity for the electrolyzers is drawn from the power grid on a balanced basis via a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). Before compression, the hydrogen is buffered in two 45m3 low-pressure storage tanks. Two three-stage NEA|HOFER KTD180 diaphragm compressors are used for compression, which compress the hydrogen from 30 bar to 500 bar for intermediate storage in high-pressure storage tanks and for trailer filling.
NEUMAN & ESSER is also responsible for the approval and construction planning with subsequent awarding of the building and civil engineering trades to subcontractors as well as for the installation of the plant infrastructure. Commissioning and maintenance are also part of the contract. In the long term, the electrolysis plant will be expanded to up to 20 MW and buses and cars will be refueled directly on site at Brainergy Park. In addition to the scope described above, NEUMAN & ESSER will also install a 500 bar dry-running vertical piston compressor unit. This will be a very welcomed testbed to ensure the market maturity of this important business area.
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H2HS (2024)

In 2024, NEUMAN & ESSER was awarded the order to supply an electrolyzer and a hydrogen refuelling station including compressors for the Oberbruch industrial park. The electrolyzer with an output of two megawatts will be powered by locally produced renewable energy. A hydrogen refuelling station (HRS) will enable twelve buses to run on green hydrogen in local public transportation and ensure that around 1,200 tons of CO2 are saved each year with the help of a fuel cell. In addition, the waste heat from the electrolyzer is used to heat buildings in the surrounding area and the oxygen produced is used in the neighboring sewage treatment plant. The Project H2HS was initiated by NEA GREEN having been involved in the project development including financing, location development, dimensioning of the solution together with two, later four partners. This consortium now forms the spv that operates the system after comissioning.
Zum Anfang

The European Union is building a hydrogen infrastructure the ensure the secure supply of green energy. Salt cavern storage of H2, connected to the european backbone pipeline system is the central key for this goal. NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland with its decade long experience in salt cavern compressor plant design for natural gas was selected by the customer to engineer (and later supply) the compressor units for the first industrial sized H2 salt cavern.
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NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland has received a significant order for 20 MW of electrolysis for use in the steel industry in Poland. For the first time, the four 5 MW modules will be delivered with BOSCH stacks, which impressively underlines the success of NEUMAN & ESSER’s multi-stack strategy. In addition, a diaphragm compressor will be provided so that once again the customers receive a fully integrated solution. In a combined effort NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland, NEAC Deutschland and the team of the central division technology for energy solutions were able to offer a complete end-to-end solution to the customer.
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People in NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland

As an engineering company, the biggest capital and asset of NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland are the people. It is their skills, values and  work ethics that form the company as an integral part of ONE NEA GROUP. Working from two main locations, Übach-Palenberg and Wurzen, and with sales people working in “outside offices”, the commitment to be close to our customers, suppliers and business partners to ensure that sustainable expert solutions are delivered is the core of NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland. In the last years the company has embarked on a growth path, now almost 100 people are working for the company, ready to contribute to the big goals set in  NEUMAN & ESSER's future strategy.

A big "THANK YOU" to all those who have contributed and are still contributing to the success story of
NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland.

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Kapitel 2 "Follow the Markets"

"Follow the Markets with the strong product"

Kapitel 3 Separation of Mechanical Engineering and Plant Engineering

Separation of Mechanical Engineering and Plant Engineering

Kapitel 4 Foundation of NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland (1999)

Foundation of NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland (1999)

Kapitel 5 Central Role at NEUMAN & ESSER (2000)

Central Role at NEUMAN & ESSER (2000)

Kapitel 6 First Major Projects (2000)

First Major Projects (2000)

Kapitel 7 First Compressor Day (2001)

First Compressor Day (2001)

Kapitel 8 Revamp & Modernization (2002)

Revamp & Modernization (2002)

Kapitel 9 World's Largest Compressor System for Acetylene (2002)

World's Largest Compressor System for Acetylene (2002)

Kapitel 10 First Steps in Africa (2006)

First Steps in Africa (2006)

Kapitel 11 SAPS (2006)

Seismic Air Power Systems (2006)

Kapitel 12 Cavern Storage Compressor for Trianel (2007)

Cavern Storage Compressor for Epe (2007)

Kapitel 13 Polysilicon (2008)

Polysilicon (2008)

Kapitel 14 Biomethane as a "New" Application (2010)

Biomethane as a “New” Application (2010)

Kapitel 15 Another Major Refinery Order (2010)

Another Major Refinery Order (2010)

Kapitel 16 Compressor Day in the name of Planet Blue (2011)

Compressor Day Under the Leitmotif PLANET BLUE (2011)

Kapitel 17 Biggest Order in Company History so Far (2012)

Biggest Order in Company History so Far (2011)

Kapitel 18 Turbine Driven Compressors (2012)

Turbine Driven Compressors (2013)

Kapitel 19 TGE Vysotsk (2015)

Big LNG Order (2015)

Kapitel 20 “Seal Gas” compressor for the world's largest offshore factory (2014)

“Seal Gas” Compressor for the World's Largest Offshore Factory (2015)

Kapitel 21 MoBIO 800 (2015)

MoBIO 800 (2015)

Kapitel 22 LNG Project in Dubai with Two Different Compressor Technologies (2016)

LNG Project in Dubai with Two Different Compressor Technologies (2016)

Kapitel 24 Utilization on the First FLNG Facility in Africa (2017)

Utilization on the First FLNG Facility in Africa (2017)

Kapitel 25 Compressor System for Mobile High-Pressure Containers (2019)

Compressor System for Mobile High-Pressure Containers (2019)

Kapitel 26 Order From TGE Gas Engineering (2021)

Biggest LNG BOG compressor (2021)

Kapitel 27 Green Hydrogen for South Africa (2021)

Green Hydrogen for South Africa (2021)

Kapitel 28 Two Orders From Air Liquid at the End of the Year (2021)

Two Orders for H2 compressors at the End of the Year (2021)

Kapitel 29 Jens Wulff Appointed New Managing Director (2022)

Jens Wulff Appointed New Managing Director (2022)

Kapitel 30 MoBiDic (2022)

MoBiDic (2022)

Kapitel 31 Acquisition of Heinsch Metall- und Anlagenbau (2023)

Acquisition of Heinsch Metall- und Anlagenbau (2023)

Kapitel 32 Green Hydrogen for Industrial Park (2023)

Green Hydrogen for Industrial Park (2023)

Kapitel 33 Integrated Solution for Green Hydrogen in Jülich (2023)

Integrated Solution for Green Hydrogen in Jülich (2023)

Kapitel 34 H2HS (2024)

H2HS (2024)

Kapitel 37 People in NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland

People in NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland

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